New app book on Malaysian mammals

The ALAM eCurator system enables the exchange and interpretation of taxonomic information (such as species check lists, distribution and identification data) is of critical importance to taxonomists, ecologists and other
biologists and legislators, amongst others.

The information exchanged here will be linked to global indexes provided by a number of global and local taxonomic database services, such as the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF).

The need for a Malaysian common mechanism for the providers of taxonomic information to exchange information with other providers and users of varying expertise in taxonomy was recognized at TDWG Lisbon 2003.

ALAM eTaxonomic and eCurator is such a mechanism that will adequately represent the data as modelled by the owners of the data, whist facilitating integration with data provided according to different models of taxonomy.

ALAM's Taxanomic Concept Transfer (TCT) schema was conceived to allow the representation of taxonomic concepts as defined in published taxonomic classifications, revisions and databases.
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New app book on Malaysian mammals

Post by badruddin » Tue Jan 08, 2019 4:19 am

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Re: New app book on Malaysian mammals

Post by birdman » Tue Jan 08, 2019 4:23 am

The Malaysian mammals AppBook - part of the Alfred R, Wallace Nature Series, is developed with the assistance of Dr Juliana Senawi from Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, UKM. It documents key mammal groups found in Malaysia. The Appbook contain text, images and a checklist of common mammals. It also includes a chapter on some iconic mammals studied by Alfred R Wallace.

Planning and collaborating with Dr Juliana Senawi to develop the content of the book as follows:
• About Mammals
• Incorporating a selection of the most iconic Malaysian mammals collected by Alfred R Wallace
• Mammals in Malaysia
o Peninsular Malaysia
o Borneo
• Habitat of Malaysian Mammals
• Endangered Mammals
• Stopping the Poachers
• Planet of the Primates
o Swinging acrobats
o Seeds of conflict
o Common Primates
• Flying Draculas: A Look Into Malaysian Bats
• Checklist of Common Malaysian Mammals

The Appbook also delves into the social and biological aspects of some mammals such as issues in poaching, social behaviours, danger of extinction, economic importance etc.

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